Unleashing the Power of Digital Factories: Customizing Process Routings in aPriori
Join us for an in-depth, interactive session that will delve into the world of digital factories and process routings in aPriori's Manufacturing Insights Platform. This session is designed for users who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to customize process routings for parts or assemblies, and how to leverage the power of digital factories. Our product specialists will guide you through a detailed PowerPoint presentation, perform a live demo, and provide an interactive session where you can try out the aPriori software. You will learn how to insert additional processes, reorder processes, and exclude processes to create a custom routing. We will also discuss how to customize an operation sequence performed to a specific GCD, enabling you to capture complete costs in situations where the pre-defined routings do not completely represent the actual manufacturing production processes.
3 Key Takeaways:
1. Understand the concept of digital factories and process routings, and how they can be customized to represent actual manufacturing production processes.
2. Learn how to create custom routings for a part or assembly by inserting additional processes, reordering processes, and excluding processes.
3. Gain insights into how to use the aPriori Routing Selection window to select an alternative routing manually and/or change routing options, enabling you to optimize the manufacturing of a component.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/aPrioriTech?sub_confirmation=1
Visit us: https://www.apriori.com/