How to Use - aPriori for Sourcing Professionals
aPriori was designed with sourcing in mind.
We help sourcing professionals in the manufacturing industry drive savings and lower supply chain risks. aPriori generates detailed manufacturing and cost data from a CAD model which will:
- Prevent you from wasting time trying to reduce the price on already low margin parts
- Help you to figure out which parts are worth pursuing
- Help you to determine the best suppliers to send the RFQ so that your bid prices are now skewed
- Generate detailed cost data for supplier discussions
- Allow you to define avenues to pursue during discussions with suppliers
aPriori enables sourcing managers and buyers to identify the best opportunities for cost savings as well as the suppliers that are best suited to make their parts in the most cost-effective way. aPriori helps you engage your suppliers early in the product development cycle to leverage their manufacturing expertise in a cost collaborative manner so that savings are realized and relationships grow.
You'll love aPriori's should costing capabilities.
LEARN MORE: https://www.apriori.com/solutions/role/sourcing-professionals/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGFpC4eGSen7zN9RKKZSNww