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CASE STUDY | Scania | On the Road to a Greener Future

How can companies achieve smarter, faster, and less expensive automotive sustainability? EV sustainability is the future. But how can you design to cost while also design for value and sustainability in the EV sector?

For one company, EV sustainability is made easy with the use of aPriori.

In this compelling case study, Bernard Swiecki of the Center for Automotive Research shares some interesting data around the accelerating evolution of electric vehicles in the market. Find out what the future of EV sustainability looks like and what companies are doing to stay competitive in this rapidly changing market.

This introduction will be followed by a case study of how Scania has been able to add CO2 calculation as a product target early in the development process.

Attendees of last year’s manufacturing insight conference may remember this presentation. This year we will reveal how the implementation has been refined and grown over the past year.

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