DEMO: aPriori's Manufacturing Cost Models for Product Costing
How much will my product cost to produce?
The answer to that question isn't easy. And it requires a LOT of data. That's where aPriori's digital factory comes in.
You'll get accurate pricing for sheet metal forming, bar & tube fabrication, plastic molding, casting, machining, gears, composites, extrusions, forging, powder metal, additives, chemical milling, and so much more. All out of the box.
Best of all, you can run cost models for your products in just a few seconds to see how to get the best price on your part. All it takes is a CAD model and you're ready to roll.
Use aPriori digital manufacturing simulation software to uncover design alternatives early in the design process. aPriori supports over 270 manufacturing cost models. Learn more in this short 2-minute overview video.
DOWNLOAD DATASHEET: https://www.apriori.com/resources/datasheet/manufacturing-cost-models/